
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

7 Years In Love

Today Rob and I have been together for 7 glorious years.  We are so lucky to have found each other.  We met 7 years and (roughly) 3 months ago while working for Snowy Owl Dog Sled Tours.  At the time, I was living with my boss and had been working at the Kennel for a couple months before Rob was hired to be a guide.  The night before he started work, my boss told me about him and gave me instructions to train him in the kennel.  The way she described him, I knew I liked him already.
The next day he showed up a half an hour late for work wearing a florescent orange headband...maybe my first instincts were wrong.  As the day went on though, we got to know each other as we picked up dog pooh. How romantic.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Since then we've shared so much...adventure, laughter, love, toothbrushes, and now baby twins.  I'm so grateful to have a partner who brings out the best in me, and encourages me to do things I would have never done before.  He gives me confidence and support when I need it the most.  He's an amazing Dad and an awesome husband (to be).  I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Looking forward to the big celebration of our love this summer.

Happy Anniversary love of my life!




  1. Happy Anniversary! Great pictures... gross on the toothbrush thing!

  2. Thank you....I guess I should have noted the credit goes to you for the bottome two pics.

    haha yeah, I read an article on things couples should never share...toothbrush was on the list along with towels and nail clippers...can't remember the rest. :)

  3. diddo! I celebrate your life together - you truly bring out the best in each other - you are a lesson in love! Happy anniversary - love you so much-
    love mom

  4. Happy anniversary!
    I am also very happy you and Rob met. You came into my life too! I gained a wonderful friend!!!
