
Friday, January 28, 2011

Party Pants

I've been hit with the sewing bug these days...I think I took too long of a break from sewing after the holidays, which is never a good thing because now all I want to do is sew, sew, and sew some more.  The boys have been sleeping a lot better that past few nights, so it's given me the chance to create while they dream.  The other night while they were snug in their beds, I made a little pair of  flannel pajama pants...or as Rob likes to call them, "Party Pants". 

 It's always so satisfying making something you can use or wear.  I got the pattern from Lotta Jansdotter's book "Simple Sewing for Baby" (the same book I used to make the bandanna bibs).  And I'm working on a second pair...

They are still just a little bit big, which is why I chose Liam as my model...he's always been the slightly bigger twin.  And honestly, I couldn't find a shirt in their entire wardrobe that would actually go with these pants...but really, they're party pants, who needs a shirt when you're wearing party pants?

Happy Friday!  It's the go put on your party pants (and now that I think about it...maybe you should wear a shirt, the shirt-less rule only applies to babies). 

Have a good one!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cherishing the Moments

Liam and Daddy

Daddy and Case

Liam and Mama

Casey and Mama

Liam and Casey
So many moments to cherish...I feel so lucky to have these boys (including the biggest boy of course - Rob) in my life.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My boys love their home cooked meals and I love cooking for them.  Yesterday for dinner they had a taste of some lovely roasted organic butternut squash.  It was pretty simple too, just cut it in half, scoop out the seeds, brush with butter and pop it in the oven.  I froze the left overs in ice cube trays for easy individual portions to use later.

Mmmmm squash, and in their very own personalized bowls made by Auntie Melanie.
And a little something created from the crafty closet this week were a couple of new bandanna bibs.  Liam and Casey seem to go through bibs like they do diapers, so I had to whip up a couple more to add to the pile.  They are easy and fun to sew.  I got the idea from Lotta Jansdotter's book Simple Sewing for Baby, but used my own pattern in order to fit it to the boys...this took a few trys, so I have a couple that are a wee bit small, and a couple they can grow into.

Two little bandit babes (Liam and Casey)
  Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

7 Month Update

the three of us...Liam left, Casey right.

Liam & Casey....happy boys

Liam & Casey with their favourite toys

Liam the little teddy bear.

Casey Man

My babies are now 7 months old.  So much has been happening I can barely keep up.  I'm loving where they are at right now, they're so much fun...except in the middle of the night (when they turn into midnight monsters).  We've moved them into their own room now, which is a big step.  Before we had two cribs in our room...our room seems huge now.  I think they like their new room, we just have to work on getting them to sleep for longer periods of time...

They've been enjoying tasting new foods, and they've both got their own techniques when it comes to eating.  Casey likes to give me a hand as I feed him by gripping the spoon and guiding it right to his mouth, he then slurps the food off the spoon, it's very classy.  Liam on the other hand just opens wide and the spoon comes out clean, he then sticks his fingers in his mouth while he chews. So far their favourite food are bananas.  We were given these little mesh soother-looking devices as a baby shower gift (thanks Aunt Sue!) that you can put a whole chunk of banana in and they suck and chew on the mesh to get the banana out.  Banana goo and drool gets everywhere, they love it.  They've also been trying their hand at sippy cups, however they do more chewing than sipping.



And probably the most exciting news of all (for me at least) is that they've started potty training with great success thus far. I figure I should get a head start on this potty training thing considering I have two little bummies to worry about.  So I got them a nice blue "bumbo" potty (just like the blue chairs they sit in, except with a whole in the middle) that sits over the toilet.  I'm always on alert for the cues (grunts, groans and straining facial expressions) and then spring into action, ripping off clothes and tearing off diapers as I make a mad dash for the bathroom.  I get the odd false alarm and they just sit there and play with my hair.  But when I have the right timing and they take a deuce on that toilet it's sweet victory...and one less cloth diaper for me to clean. 

Ah, they grow so fast...


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas In January

Rob's Dad and his wife (Doug and Marcia) were here visiting from Illinois this week.  We celebrated a belated Christmas with the Millar's....minus the big turkey dinner, instead we enjoyed lunch at Liam and Casey's favourite restaurant the Iron Goat.

It was a week of cold temps once again, but that didn't deter us from going on a little trip to Lake Louise, just as we did the last Christmas we spent with the Millar Clan.  Still too cold for a sleigh ride unfortunately, but we had a lovely little lunch at the Lakeview Lounge inside the hotel.

  It was a great visit.  The boys loved playing with their Grandpa and Nona, and Rob and I enjoyed having the extra help.  What a difference four more helping hands can make...I think we need some family to move out west!


P.S.  Doug, you forgot your beet in the fridge!  I'll have to cook it up for Rob...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spitting Up To Sitting Up

The boys are growing strong.  They're able to sit up on their own for short periods (seconds) of time.  Now that they're at that (almost) sitting stage, there's a few more things we can do with them.  Last week we went to the mall in Calgary to do a little post Christmas shopping, and Casey and Liam each sat in their own "umbrella" stroller.  It saved our backs from having to carry them around, but it's still no easy task shopping with twins...unless they're asleep (which they weren't).  They also now meet the sitting up requirement to fit into the awesome MEC backpacks our friends (June, Chloe and Chelsey) got for us...mountains, here we come!  We tested them out the other day, but the cold kept us from getting too far.

Thanks again girls for those backpacks, they're very comfortable, and the boys will really enjoy going for hikes in long as it's not so bitter cold!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to the World!

A special warm welcome to Jack Lucas Magee, my brand new nephew born this morning at 10:33am.  He weighs 8 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long.  Congratulations to (my sister) Jenny, Jamie and Makayla.  I couldn't be happier for you guys.  Enjoy the moment!

Makayla with her new baby brother Jack.
So exciting, wish I could be there!

Mountain Auntie :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011!

We enjoyed the last day of the year in beautiful Lake Louise.  I love visiting the Lake this time of year.  It always has that magical Christmas feeling (even though we're beyond Christmas now).  There's an ice castle on the Lake that you can skate around, there's horse drawn sleigh rides, and the most beautiful Christmas tree inside the Chateau.  What more could you as for...other than warmer weather.   It was bitter cold at minus 20, so our time spent outside was limited.  We braved the cold just long enough to take a few snap shots and then it was back to the warmth.  I really, really, really wanted to go on a sleigh ride (and have been trying to for the last three years now) but had to settle for a hot chocolate inside the hotel instead.



My sleigh ride minus me
Inside the Chateau Lake Louise

Daddy and Liam deciding what to have at the restaurant.

Casey decided on the Mossehead.
 Hope the new year brings everyone lots of happiness and adventure!
