
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New and Improved Crafty Closet

A few weeks ago when my parents were visiting, they painted my sewing closet so it would match the rest of our walls.  It used to be a bright blue colour that just stuck out like a sore me it's a huge improvement!  So in the midst of waiting for the second coat of paint to dry and since everything was a mess anyway I decided to make even more of a mess and began to sew up a storm!  I probably should have been doing a lot of other sleeping while the boys slept for one, but sleep is over rated!  It had been too long since I last created something and I knew exactly what I wanted to make.... 

My new and improved sewing closest.

Inspired by the autumn season and using an idea I found on the Internet, I created a lovely little quilted table runner.  I finally finished it yesterday!  I had to work on it in stages as the boys only sleep for so long...and for the most part one of them is always awake, so my sewing opportunities are few and far between.

See what I mean...they were both sleeping at the same time for about 5 minutes until Casey woke up! :)

So here is my finished product!  I'm pretty happy with the outcome.  I love the colours and fabrics.  Lots of the fabrics were either scraps I had left over or recycled material from clothing, curtains, pillow cases you name it!

I can't wait to use it on our table for thanksgiving dinner!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Loving In Fall!

I love fall!  When I'm outside, I just can't stop expressing that love....just ask Rob, I think I've said the words "I love fall" like a hundred times in the last week!  I would even go as far as to say that it's my favourite season.  I definitely miss the array of colours you get in Ontario, but there's also nothing like fall in the mountains!  We've been getting out on lots of walks to enjoy the fall colours, smells, and fresh air!

View from the trial by our house.

Me and Liam on a cool fall day.

Casey and Daddy
  Last week Rob took a "sick" day off work, so he came up with the idea to take a drive and have a little picnic.  So I topped up the boys with some milk and changed a couple diapers while Rob packed up our lunch and off we went!  It was a fun spontaneous moment...which is kind of what our lives have become these days, the boys almost force us to live in the now. 
We drove out to a place called Muleshoe which is just off the 1A highway past Banff.  On our lunch menu was homemade wholewheat bread and beef stew that I had made the day before.  It was a little chilly outside with a bit of snow on the ground, so we got all bundled up and enjoyed that fresh crisp mountain air...I think it made the food taste better too!

Rob and the boys

Jack had a great time roaming free.

 We had such a great time, so when my Dad was passing through that weekend coming back from Vancouver, we made plans to meet him at the same spot.  We brought chilly and homemade bread this time, it was delish!  It was a beauty day, a lot warmer than last time.

Papa with Casey and Liam

Casey in red Liam blue.
  I brought a blanket and the boys laid out looking up at the trees, they loved it better than any mobile!  Another great day had by all!

Hope everyone is enjoying the autumn season!

Monday, September 27, 2010


So, after recently getting hooked on a blog that my sister Melanie told me about, I got to thinking....why not start my own blog!  I thought it'd be a great way to keep friends and family up to date on whats going on with the twins, and any other interesting things we might be up to!  I never thought I'd have a blog of my own...but then again, I never thought I'd have twins either!  Life is crazy!

Casey on the left Liam on the right.

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this blog!
Bye for now!