
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mountain Mama Pizzeria

I was over at a friends place a couple weeks ago and she made the BEST homemade pizza.  It had been a while since I made pizza, (dough and all) so the other night my kitchen turned into a pizzeria.  I used this recipe (click here) for a whole wheat thin crust, which turned out great.  As for the toppings, I used a basil pesto for the sauce along with chicken, cherry tomatoes, goat cheese and mozzarella cheese.  All I can say is, "Yum".

Now, I know what you must be thinking..."Ummm... doesn't she have twins?  Why the heck doesn't she just pop a Delissio in the oven and call it good?"  (Well, we do have those on occasion)  But I'll let you in on my little secret....I have really good help.  Not some live-in Nanny or anything, ( although that would be nice) but my handy hubby (to be)...which is really the best kind of help there is. He entertained the boys while I created in the kitchen.  I couldn't have done it without him.  And we both reaped the rewards from our efforts with some ding dang good pizza for dinner.

Bon Appetite!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Go Mode

These boys are on the move and there is no slowing them down.  They're crawling in full force and getting into all kinds of stuff.  It's crazy how fast they went from being non-mobile, to kickin' it into four by four.  Gone are the days where I could just put them down and they'd  be content to play within the perimeter of a little blanket.  These days they're keeping us on our toes; one goes this way the other goes that way. 
With their new found freedom has also come a few little bumps and bonks along the way as they discover what their little bodies are capable of...but they're determined little fellas so a little tumble here or there isn't going to hold them back from trying again.

Liam getting into the least it wasn't folded.

Liam in "attack mode" coming to get me.

Casey making some music.

Casey getting into the drawers.

Liam trying to let Jack inside.

Liam and Casey...only a Mom could tell these little bums apart.

So much fun watching these guys explore....just wait til they're walking!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Lighter Later

I love that the days are getting longer, the snow is beginning to melt and the grass is peeking through.  The other night after dinner I took the boys out for a nice evening stroll.  It was 7:30pm and still as bright as day.

Hope everyone is enjoying the first signs of spring.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

The True Meaning of Teething

From the moment these guys started putting their hands in their mouth, people have been asking if they're teething.  I'm not gonna lie....I had no idea if they were teething or just plain old drooling; until last week when their first tooth finally poked through.  Now I have a better idea of what "teething" is all about.  It explains why they've been waking up so angry and demanding milk several times through the night these past weeks.  Poor little guys, getting new teeth is no fun...for anyone.
Their first little tooth is taking some getting used to.  They've started making funny faces and sticking out their tongues as they explore the new feeling of this sharp little thing inside their mouths.




Monday, March 21, 2011

Fernie Folks

Rob's cousin Dan and the family came for a visit last weekend from Fernie B.C.  We had a great time.  The first night they arrived Rob took the boys (Dan and Nesta) to work for a little late night tour of the Nordic Centre, pistenbully style (snow cat).  Tanya and I stayed home with the little ones.  Nesta was pretty excited about the adventure and told us all about it when they got home.

Nesta in the pistenbully.

Nesta in the drivers seat.

Tanya with Casey and Liam
The next day, we had a nice relaxing morning while we enjoyed each others company and a big pancake breakfast.

Nesta and Casey

Nesta displaying his Lego restaurant...complete with flushing toilets!

Dan and Liam
 Once our bellies were full and everyone was ready to go, we headed out to enjoy some fresh air. 

Follow the leader.  Nesta and Jack.

Dan, Tanya and a tired out little Winston.

Happy Spring! :)


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

7 Years In Love

Today Rob and I have been together for 7 glorious years.  We are so lucky to have found each other.  We met 7 years and (roughly) 3 months ago while working for Snowy Owl Dog Sled Tours.  At the time, I was living with my boss and had been working at the Kennel for a couple months before Rob was hired to be a guide.  The night before he started work, my boss told me about him and gave me instructions to train him in the kennel.  The way she described him, I knew I liked him already.
The next day he showed up a half an hour late for work wearing a florescent orange headband...maybe my first instincts were wrong.  As the day went on though, we got to know each other as we picked up dog pooh. How romantic.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Since then we've shared so much...adventure, laughter, love, toothbrushes, and now baby twins.  I'm so grateful to have a partner who brings out the best in me, and encourages me to do things I would have never done before.  He gives me confidence and support when I need it the most.  He's an amazing Dad and an awesome husband (to be).  I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Looking forward to the big celebration of our love this summer.

Happy Anniversary love of my life!



Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Nationals

This weekend in Canmore is the 2011 Haywood Cross Country Ski Nationals.  It's a big celebration where a cross country ski track is set down Main Street and a bunch of different events and activities are held.  The Nordic Centre (where Rob works) was responsible for making the snow and installing the track for this event.  So the night before Rob had to pull a 16 hour shift until they were finished building the track. 

Saturday was a beautiful warm sunny day, so we packed up the boys to check out the festivities and Rob's handy work.  When we arrived down town we happened to see our good friend and Olympic Medalist, Sara Renner (well ok, she doesn't actually know us...) who offered to take our picture for us as we were attempting the self timer.  She was carrying her one month old baby, and was impressed at how calm we were for having twins. 

After checking out Main Street, we met up with our friend June; she's no Olympic Medalist, but we love her all the same.  She gave me a break from carrying Liam and we went for a nice walk down by the river.

Looks like it's another nice day out there today...the warmth and sun has arrived. :)


Saturday, March 12, 2011


We had some fun trying on hats the other day.  It started off with Daddy's cap and sort of escalated from there.  Casey enjoyed putting them on, but Liam wasn't quite as impressed...I realized after it was because he peed his pants (with no diaper on) oops! :)






Hope everyone is having a fun weekend so far!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tidy Tuesday

From "Messy Monday" to Tidy Tuesday, that's just the way it goes...however the majority of our days of the week start with "Messy". 
We took a trip into the city on Tuesday in search of some sort of structure to organize the growing pile of toys cluttering our living room floor.  We figured Ikea would solve the dilemma...and so it did.  We found a great little storage shelf that held bins you can slide in and out, it was exactly what we were looking for.  I stayed up late last night building it myself while Rob was at work (I was too excited to wait for his help the next day).  I love how organized everything is...and that's a must for a Mama of twins.

It's so great, I have a spot for diapers, toys, burp cloths and books...and everything is just a reach away from where we play.  It's also handy to just take out the bin of toys and set it on the floor for them and they can pick out the toys themselves...just need to teach them how to put the toys back!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Messy Monday

So according to Annabel Karmel's handy book "First Meals" it's time for these boys to start experimenting...with food.  They're at the age where they can start self-feeding.  So to set the mood for this occasion I dimmed the lights, lit some candles and put on some classical music.  Ok, so I didn't really dim the lights or use candles, but there was actually classical music playing in the background...only because I turned on the radio to CKUA (our Alberta radio station) which just so happened to be playing the "Classic Examples" show.  Nevertheless it was a lovely ambiance for dinner time.  On the menu this evening was organic broccoli and brown rice mixed with a lovely cheese sauce.  They said to give their compliments to the chef.


Casey attempting the spoon.

Dinner was messy to say the least (and my kitchen even messier)...but lots of fun was had by all as the boys explored the art of feeding themselves.  Casey enjoyed the spoon method while Liam was more of a hand in mouth kinda guy.  By the time they were done eating we literally had to hose them down in the kitchen sink before heading upstairs for a bath.

Casey rockin' the mohawk

Liam and Mama
Sometimes you just have to embrace the mess because life just wouldn't be as fun without it!

Wishing you a lovely start to your week as well...and also wishing a special Happy Birthday to my good friend Chloe who's in Australia!
