Here's a little bit of what we've been up to these days...
- Playing with socks...Casey has acquired a little bit of a fetish for them.
- Thinking about baby proofing...Liam is on the verge of crawling. He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth. Casey is close behind...soon they'll be on the move and my life will become just that more busy!
- Laughing lots! These boys love to laugh, sometimes for no particular reason. Laughing is a contagious thing, so when they laugh I laugh too. :)
Casey |
- Enjoying our mountain surroundings and the sunny-not a cloud in the sky-days we've had.
Liam and Mama |
- Soaking up the warmth of the sun when it's too cold to go outside.
Liam, Casey and Jack |
- Cooking up big batches of baby food. My Mom found this great website that has some good info and lots of baby food recipes. These boys are eight months old now and already eating us out of our home...I don't even want to think about what it will be like when they're teenagers (good thing for Costco!)
- Excited about sewing. I purchased some beautiful hand screen printed Lara Cameron fabric from etsy that came all the way from Australia ('cause I'm crazy like that) and I received it in the mail last week. I'm so in love with it...but a little scared to start cutting it!
- Enjoying this family day with my little family. I'm so happy to have two beautiful babies and an amazing partner in my life.
Casey (blue) Liam (green) |
Happy Family Day!
I really want to hear those little laughs, you should post another video clip. I'll be you don't burn their apple sauce like I did. And I can't wait to see what becomes of that fabric a little someting for Auntie perhaps???