
Saturday, November 12, 2011

All Bundled Up

Getting out the door has become quite the ordeal these's always a process getting two little ones ready for the outside world, but now with the cold weather upon us there's all the bundling up to do which is usually accompanied by some flailing and a few ear piercing screams (from them, not me) and just when you think you're in the clear there's at least one more diaper to change to do.  Oh the days when we could head out bare foot and jacketless... When we do finally get outside though, they forgive me for "torturing" them and all is well again.  And their new winter coats (thanks to their Nana and Poppa) keep them toasty warm and happy (for the most part). 

Stay warm!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Where the Wild Things Are

I wish it could be Halloween everyday...not just for the candy, but so that Casey and Liam could wear their costumes...they looked so cute!  Casey was a bear and Liam was a monkey. 

Halloween night came and went in a hurry.  I had a whole family of pumkins to carve and of course they were left to the last minute.  While Rob was upstairs dressing the boys in their costumes (a process in itself), I worked away carving up a storm. 

My crazy pumpkin family
With the pumpkins lit and the boys dressed we were ready for action.  We handed out candy to our neighbours (only two of them) and then went out to see a few more of our neighbour friends.


It was a great night!  :)