the three of us...Liam left, Casey right. |
Liam & Casey....happy boys |
Liam & Casey with their favourite toys |
Liam the little teddy bear. |
Casey Man |
My babies are now 7 months old. So much has been happening I can barely keep up. I'm loving where they are at right now, they're so much fun...except in the middle of the night (when they turn into midnight monsters). We've moved them into their own room now, which is a big step. Before we had two cribs in our room...our room seems huge now. I think they like their new room, we just have to work on getting them to sleep for longer periods of time...
They've been enjoying tasting new foods, and they've both got their own techniques when it comes to eating. Casey likes to give me a hand as I feed him by gripping the spoon and guiding it right to his mouth, he then slurps the food off the spoon, it's very classy. Liam on the other hand just opens wide and the spoon comes out clean, he then sticks his fingers in his mouth while he chews. So far their favourite food are bananas. We were given these little mesh soother-looking devices as a baby shower gift (thanks Aunt Sue!) that you can put a whole chunk of banana in and they suck and chew on the mesh to get the banana out. Banana goo and drool gets everywhere, they love it. They've also been trying their hand at sippy cups, however they do more chewing than sipping.
Liam |
Casey |
And probably the most exciting news of all (for me at least) is that they've started potty training with great success thus far. I figure I should get a head start on this potty training thing considering I have two little bummies to worry about. So I got them a nice blue "bumbo" potty (just like the blue chairs they sit in, except with a whole in the middle) that sits over the toilet. I'm always on alert for the cues (grunts, groans and straining facial expressions) and then spring into action, ripping off clothes and tearing off diapers as I make a mad dash for the bathroom. I get the odd false alarm and they just sit there and play with my hair. But when I have the right timing and they take a deuce on that toilet it's sweet victory...and one less cloth diaper for me to clean.
Ah, they grow so fast...